How Alcohol Ages You How Drinking Ages You

How Alcohol Ages You How Drinking Ages You

does drinking make you age faster

If you’re trying to numb unpleasant feelings or relieve stress, drinking often only pushes your stressful obligations back a day or two, ultimately making them even more time-sensitive and stressful. There are many ways alcohol can put an extra strain on your body. Alcohol causes your body to release more stress hormones, which speeds up the aging process.

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does drinking make you age faster

The NHS recommended alcohol intake is 14 units per week, which is only slightly under the units found to have an effect in this study. This doesn’t mean you have to train for a marathon or sign up for an expensive personal training program. Any amount of physical activity will have benefits, and it’s best to focus on the exercises that you enjoy, Buford said. “It’s important to be mindful that healthy relationships and a strong social support network are important throughout our lives—but especially as we age,” Leonard said. The study was conducted in over 2,000 individuals including both healthy participants and persons living with HIV. Almost every adult deals with arcus senilis by the time they’re 80.

Gilmore Health Newsletter

does drinking make you age faster

Events like retirement or bereavement can make you question your purpose in life. You might feel that your sense of identity was tied to your job or your sense of meaning stemmed from your relationship with your late spouse. Or perhaps a diagnosis of dementia, cancer, or a similar condition has robbed you of your sense of independence. You can also get creative with long-distance communication. Rather than just chat, consider hosting a digital book club or game night with friends over a video call.

Scientists prove alcohol increases the body’s speed of ageing

One global study found that no amount of alcohol is completely safe and that alcohol was the biggest risk factor for disease worldwide. Another more recent study found that any amount of alcohol causes harm to the brain. While drinking may help some people fall asleep, it ultimately leads to a less restful night’s sleep, which can be debilitating when combined with other menopause symptoms. Unfortunately, the already low levels of these enzymes continue to decrease as women age, meaning that alcohol is metabolized (changed into a form your body can use) much more slowly.

  • This helps prevent you from becoming dehydrated when you’re not drinking.
  • Overall, when consumed regularly in high quantities, alcohol ages the body faster than natural processes allow.
  • Aging comes with an increased risk of serious health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, or hearing loss.
  • Retirement or a reduced ability to work can affect your income, and financial instability often increases stress.

According to the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, administered by the U.S. federal government, about 20% of adults 60 to 64 and about 10% of those 65 and older say they binge drink. Binge drinking is typically defined as consuming four or more drinks within two hours for women and five or more drinks within two hours for men. While the causal relationship between frequent and heavy alcohol consumption in older adults and cognitive decline is not certain, research has shown a correlation between the two, especially in men.

Alcohol Abuse

However, identifying and addressing other underlying causes of insomnia can help to improve your sleep quality. If distance or limitations with mobility mean you’re unable to regularly meet with loved ones, embrace technology. Email and text messages are useful for sharing daily life updates and photos. Or you can schedule video calls so you can hear and see friends and family members. You can also reconnect with old friends via social media and then schedule online get-togethers.

does drinking make you age faster

Talk to your primary care doctor about your alcohol consumption—they can help you understand potential medication interactions and additional risks as you age. If you’re looking to reduce your alcohol intake, or try an entirely sober lifestyle, your doctor can help with that as well. The study was led by Lifang Hou, MD, PhD, chief of Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention in the Department of Preventive Medicine at Northwestern does alcohol make you look older University Feinberg School of Medicine and a professor of Pediatrics. It examined whether cumulative alcohol consumption — the number of years a person consumes beer, liquor, wine and total alcohol — as well as recent binge drinking were related to aging. While chronological age is how old you are (measured by the time that’s passed since you were born and today), biological age is how old your cells are.

If you’re not quite ready to hang up your glasses — drinking is, after all, a pleasurable sensory and social experience — Morrow seconds Kling’s advice to drink mindfully, which is imperative as you age. An aging parent might push back on the idea that they have a drinking problem. They might say that they know what’s best for their health. They might eventually see past their own sense of denial.

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does drinking make you age faster

Your support can’t fully solve an older adult’s drinking problem, but it can be key to helping them confront their own issues. With patience, effort, and support, you can help your aging parent find health, joy, and satisfaction in their later years. If your loved one is willing to address their drinking problem, you can play a supporting role in their efforts. Again, it’s not your job to control their behavior, but you can assist them in identifying their triggers and finding ways to better handle them.

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How Alcohol Ages You How Drinking Ages You