Executive Committee Vs Board of Directors

Executive Committee Vs Board of Directors

An executive www.boardroomsupply.com/tips-to-organize-an-efficient-online-board-meeting/ committee is a great option for nonprofits that must achieve their goals quickly and efficiently. However, some boards may struggle with the line between an executive committee and a board of directors.

The executive committee is comprised of board members who act as the board’s eyes and ears in between meetings, and is responsible for handling urgent issues. Typically, they’re made up of between three and seven members.

The executive committee is usually comprised of the vice-chairperson as well as a secretary. The chairperson’s task is to be the voice of your board and also to oversee the committee. The vice chairperson assists the chairperson and also can substitute for them in the event of a need. The secretary keeps minutes of meetings, as well as a calendar for the committee, and makes sure the members have access to committee documents.

The executive committee is part of the board, but still has the power to oversee the business. King advises a board to take care when delegating duties to an executive panel to avoid creating an unwelcome”two-tier” power structure where the committee has decision-making power which by statute or constitution belong to the board.

An executive committee can be beneficial for a non-profit particularly in situations where it’s not feasible or practical for the board to meet in person with a short notice to discuss urgent issues. The executive committee gives leaders who are connected to the organization through their leadership a platform to make key decisions regarding high-level workplace issues, organizational oversight, and Board development.

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Executive Committee Vs Board of Directors