The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and the Social Sciences

The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and the Social Sciences

The study of entrepreneurialism is influenced by a wide range of disciplines, including sociology (influence and norms) and psychology, anthropology, history, culture, and law. This span of disciplines reveals that entrepreneurship is both an activity and a phenomenon.

The concept of entrepreneurship is elusive and this is evident in the definitions researchers have come up with for it. Many have accepted the Schumpeterian dynamic view of entrepreneurship, which describes it as an individual’s ability to seize opportunities and start new ventures. Others have emphasized the importance of entrepreneurial activities in larger groups or communities. Others have restricted the definition to small business owners and self-employed individuals who operate independent businesses.

No matter what definition one decides to use, there is a consensus that entrepreneurship is crucial for economic development and well-being. This is because it is associated with productivity increases, job creation and economic growth. Social entrepreneurs are also significant social actors by providing solutions to social problems.

As a result, there is a growing interest to incorporate the concept of social entrepreneurship in entrepreneurship education and a number of researchers are beginning to research this idea. There is a dearth of research that has been conducted on the subject of social entrepreneurial activities and higher education, and it is important to know what students are learning from these types of courses. This article addresses this issue with an investigation of students’ experience in a course on Social Enterprise at an University in Pakistan.

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The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and the Social Sciences