15 Junior Web Developer Skills For Your Resume

15 Junior Web Developer Skills For Your Resume

This is the gem that is the interface between your Ruby code and the Postgresql database. It’s some pretty serious stuff, and it’s used by most Ruby developers every single day. Node.js package management is one of the most fluid parts of the Node.js community.

Junior Node JS developer skills

They just came out for schools or apprenticeships without going through the whole development cycle. As a result, Junior developers are likely to make naive mistakes or miss bugs because of their lack of experience. Yet, it often happens that businesses struggle to find talented developers.

Building a Node.js/TypeScript REST API, Part 2: Models, Middleware, and Services

API communications is the most sought-after senior Node.js developer skills that employers look for. If you decided to learn Node.js, a lot of this will be familiar to you. Choose the language that best fits your goals (if it’s web development, any of them will do) and focus on it and learn it well. Of course, if you’re curious about other languages (Node.js and Python are quite different) then feel free to satisfy your curiosity and play around with them. Error-handling is a crucial part of developing software and applications that work right. Make sure that the web developer you’re hiring knows exactly when to crash, when to log an error, when to continue, and when to retry.

Node.js developers also help to support frontend developers by incorporating web-based applications. It’s unlikely you’re going to be using your personal computer for your web application. Being comfortable https://wizardsdev.com/en/vacancy/junior-node-js-developer/ with a cloud platform is one of the most useful Node.js developer skills that will help you to succeed. The difference between Entry-Level and Junior developers is strictly related to job experience.

Real examples of junior web developer skills on resumes

If you want to improve your Node.js developer skills, become familiar with more complex git commands than “checkout” and “commit”. As a Node.js developer, you’ll spend most of your time focusing on the backend. But you’ll still need to work with the frontend from time to time to create an excellent user experience.

As Node.js runs on Javascript you will often hear people say that, “there is a new JavaScript framework each week”, but that primarily relates to the front-end architecture. Since this is your first job, it’s likely you’ve never collaborated with a large team using source control or maintained production applications—and that’s ok! However, it is becoming a common practice to have new developers do a push to production on your first day.

Technology Services

Netlify and Heroku are some of the basic options you can use to deploy your Node.js applications to a cloud platform. For this level of expertise, you can expect your developer to create new features to make your web interfaces more interactive for your users. Working with other team members, this role can provide solutions to bottlenecks and collaborate with other departments to improve the interface.

Junior Node JS developer skills

Node.js is an open-source development platform that web developers use to execute JavaScript code server-side. It’s a powerful tool for creating applications that require a reliable and consistent connection from browser to server, such as for news feeds and web push notifications. Here’s a list of the 9 most important Node.js developer skills you need to know to thrive and succeed in web development.

Learning Hub

Or Mocha.js, which enables Node developers to test both in-console and in the browser. Node.js will always be very closely linked to the JavaScript language due to it being its server-side runtime platform. When I first started in development I thought eventually I would stop making mistakes—that I would stop running into errors. There will be error messages you haven’t seen before, and how you handle these situations will determine how quickly you grow as a developer. Sometimes googling the exact error message will produce the correct result, as it did above.

Junior Node JS developer skills

There are hundreds of JS frameworks, and considering that you’re hiring a junior front-end developer, they might not know all of them. But what matters is that at least they understand the logic and use the frameworks needed (or quickly adapt to it) for the type of website you’re building. Responsive design is a graphic user interface design approach used to create content for diverse screen sizes. Ryan Lewis is a Software Engineer who specializes in ambitious single page web applications.

4. What type of experience is important to look for in a Node.js developer?

And the people hiring these developers are interested in today’s faster, real-time, event-driven servers, so Node.js developers are in high demand. David has been developing websites and web applications for all of his adult life. As a software engineer, he’s worked for many diverse software companies from early-stage startups to Google. David is experienced with many web frameworks and environments, but he particularly enjoys developing with Meteor.js. He appreciates the importance of quality code as well as the need to meet scheduling demands.

  • Over 30 million websites now use Node.js, which has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity.
  • In fact, it’s used by more developers than all the other web application frameworks combined.
  • There are some skills that you bring to the table at the start, but there are some skills that are difficult (though not impossible) to acquire outside of a professional work environment.
  • Non-blocking or asynchronous programming is what Node.js is all about.
  • Like most things, there are quite a few to choose from, but React and Vue appear to be the most popular and robust right now.
  • Sure, a senior developer has more knowledge and experience than a new developer, but that isn’t what sets them apart.
  • Although you may think your code’s secure, one of your dependencies could be insecure.

Node.js is faster than other JavaScript languages and is more agile and versatile than many options. Even so, sometimes your project requires a different language or environment. Readable code is important so that other developers can edit the code if necessary. A good Node.js developer will know how to prioritize their tasks, provide accurate time estimations until completion, and get things done by their deadlines. Developers especially need this skill because they work on many projects or many parts of the puzzle for one project, all at once. In addition, each Node.js developer has different supporting skills, and you have to find the one whose skills best match your needs.

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15 Junior Web Developer Skills For Your Resume