How do I create a !song command for my bot?

How do I create a !song command for my bot?

Your song will be placed in a queue and play automatically unless rejected by the streamer. Having humans in moderation is important, but you cannot expect them to keep pace with the ever increasing volume of chats. Also, human tend to make mistakes, and chatbots are here to simply eliminate these chances. The reaction time of a chatbot highly exceeds that of a human. The best part is a chatbot won’t need time off, time to sleep or simply get bored.

chatbot shortcut

But this function can also be used for other events. SkipSong» chat command can be used by your Twitch mods to skip the song playing in the song-player widget. As with blacklisting certain Twitch viewers, you can also blacklist songs directly from the song-player widget.

!CurrentSong chat command – Show what’s playing​

SongRequest query», where «query» is a search query. Moobot will then search YouTube for the query and choose the most relevant video. You can also restrict requests to have a minimum amount of views on YouTube, which may help you avoid unwanted requests.

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How do I create a !song command for my bot?